Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stereotaxic Surgery

Last night I ran into an article on, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, which is a great example of the technique I'm using for my undergraduate thesis. There are some differences, but by and large it's a great window into my lab days.

Normally our mice are euthanized directly following surgery, but recently one of the grad students I work with had to do some lesions to induce sub-threshold Parkinson's disease. This made it necessary to take the precautions against infection and include some of the post-op recovery steps that are shown in the video.

That stage of her project was actually easier than what you'll see on JoVE. The crew at Tufts is implanting small screws to the skull to secure a permanent microdialysis probe, while all we needed to do was temporarily insert a cannula to inject a microliter of 6-Hydroxydopamine solution.

Anyway, check out the video, and the rest of JoVE for that matter.

One caveat, this video is not for the squeamish. It shows surgery on live animals.

Survivable Stereotaxic Surgery in Rodents

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